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Fully Certified
Central Stories Museum & Art Gallery
General Information
21 Centennial Ave, Alexandra 9320
03 448 6230
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
Open 7 days a week from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We are Central Otago’s regional Museum, Art Gallery, Research facility and Art Shop conveniently located at Pioneer Park, Centennial Avenue, Alexandra.
The Central Stories William Bodkin Memorial Museum showcases the unique stories of Central Otago. These stories include; geology; early explorers; social history; gold, dredging & mining; farming, orcharding and viticulture; and many more.
The William Bodkin Memorial Museum also houses two Otago Skinks Oligosoma otagense. Otago Skinks are critically threatened in New Zealand, with only about 1400 remaining in the wild. Our Skinks love little treats, so if you find a tasty looking insect why not bring it in and you may be able to watch them go hunting.
Central Stories is home to Central Otago’s only public art gallery, comprising the Henderson Gallery and Grant Gallery. Open daily from 10am – 4pm, it showcases artists’ work, tour exhibitions and in-house events. This large space has a total of 43.5 running metres of wall hanging space. It has two areas for displays: the Henderson Gallery with a ceiling height of 3.5 metres and the Grant Gallery, a more intimate space, with a height of 2.8 metres.
Notes for Cardholders
There is no charge to enter the museum.
Standing and Queuing

There is no reason to queue at our museum and art gallery.
Level Access

We are on one level. There is an accessible car park on the street directly outside the entrance of the Museum & Art Gallery. We also have a spare wheelchair situated at the entrance to our museum.

There is an accessible car park on the street directly outside the entrance of of Museum & Art Gallery. We also have a spare wheelchair situated at the entrance to our museum.
Urgent Toilet Access

We have one accessible toilet plus mens and ladies toilets - each with 3 toilets in them. If you need directions to the toilets, please grab the attention of one our team and we will discretely show you the way.
Disability Assist Dogs

We comply with the NZ law with respect to Disability Assistance Dogs. The staff will offer you water for your dog and will indicate the nearest place for the dog to relieve itself.
Essential Companions

We do not require payment to enter so your companion is more than welcome.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

Through the training, the staff are well-informed about adapting their communication and assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision. They can help assist you to a seat and guide you to the toilet if required.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

Through the training that the staff have done with the Hāpai Access Card, they are aware of how they can modify how they communicate with you. This includes making sure you can see their face when speaking, speaking clearly, use of pen and paper and being patient. The staff are aware of the NZ Relay service, so please use this if you think it appropriate when ringing if needed.
Hidden Disabilities

Through the staff's training, they are generally aware of hidden disabilities. Please speak to them about how they can assist in making your time with us extraordinary.
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