List of registered organisations to verify disability and barriers.
The following organisations have registered with us and can complete the Verification of Disability and Barriers (VDB) Form so that you can get your Hāpai Access Card.
Some offer to only complete a form for patients or residents in their service. For other organisations, it is if you are within the sector of the disability community they serve.
This form completion is a service the organisation offers based on the availability of their staff. Some organisations are regionally based, and in this case, the service may be limited to Canterbury at this stage.
Other options
The alternative to getting the form completed by a registered NGO is to go to your GP, who may charge for the service. If a GP is not an option, call the office on (03) 595 0577 and speak to one of the support team members who will advise you to apply.
Registered organisations that will fill in the form if you are associated with the organisation:
Huntington's Disease Association (Auckland) Inc.
Laura Fergusson Brain Injury Trust
Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson's Society Canterbury
Muscular Dystrophy New Zealand
New Zealand Spinal Trust (Christchurch)
Registered organisations that only do residents or patients of the service:
Adult Community Therapy Service & Community Stroke Rehab Service, CDHB