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Fully Certified

MTG Hawke's Bay

General Information

1 Tennyson Street, Napier South, Napier 4110

06 835 7781

Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change

Everyday: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

MTG Hawke’s Bay is an award-winning museum, home of the region's taonga and other treasures. MTG Hawke's Bay is made up of three buildings of distinct character – an art deco masterpiece, a modernist gem, and a light-filled gallery that looks out across the ocean. MTG stands for Museum, Theatre and Gallery, as the building showcases a regional museum and art gallery as well as the Century Theatre. MTG Hawke’s Bay uses its collection to tell the stories of the region and beyond, including the 1931 earthquake that devastated the region and from which developed a legacy of art deco architecture still celebrated today.
Notes for Cardholders

You may view the Visual Story of MTG Hawke's Bay at this link.:

This is designed for visitors who may have special needs related to light levels, noise levels, crowd levels etc. This story can help you plan your visit and tell you what to expect at MTG.

It also has reference to visiting school student groups with special needs who may want to understand a little more fully what they will find at the MTG.

Standing and Queuing
If you are unable to queue, wave your card at one of our team and we will bring you to the front of the queue and serve you there.
Level Access
Our building has level access throughout, including one lift. There is accessible parking located on Hercshell Street. The best entrance is our main entrance.
Our building is large, however, there is plenty of seating throughout that you are welcome to use. We have two accessible parking spaces located 20 metres away from the entrance. We have one on-site wheelchair available for use which can be booked in advance or speak with one of the team when you arrive and they will do their best to assist you.
Urgent Toilet Access
We have 3 accessible toilets and 10 standard toilets. If you present this icon to us we will ensure you are next to use the toilet in a discrete way.
Disability Assist Dogs
We comply with the NZ law with respect to Disability Assist dogs. The staff will offer you water for your dog and will indicate the nearest place for the dog to relieve itself if required.
Essential Companions
We do not require payment for entry so your companion is more than welcome if they want to purchase something or not.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information
Through the training, the staff are well-informed about adapting their communication and assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision. They can help you with reading the bar menu, assisting you to a seat, and guiding you to the theatre or to the toilet if required.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information
MTG contains a hearing loop facility. Many of the exhibition videos at MTG have subtitles. Through the training that the staff have done with the Hāpai Access Card, they are aware of how they can modify how they communicate with you. This includes making sure you can see their face when speaking, speaking clearly, use of pen and paper, and being patient. The staff are aware of the NZ Relay service, so please use this if you think it appropriate when ringing, if needed.
Hidden Disabilities
Through the staff's training, they are generally aware of hidden disabilities. Please speak to them about how they can assist in making your time with us great.
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