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Fully Certified
Choirs Aotearoa
General Information
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5pm
Choirs Aotearoa is the home of national choirs: Voices New Zealand, our professional chamber choir; the NZ Youth Choir of 50 singers aged 18-25; the NZ Secondary Students' Choir of 56 singers aged 13-18 years; and our national training programme of up to 100 singers aged 15-25 years, called the Aotearoa Academy Choir. We also deliver a nationwide outreach and engagement programme based on choral and ensemble singing. Our choirs stage a variety of concerts around Aotearoa each year.
Notes for Cardholders
A range of support is available including discounts - see individual icon narration for further information.
We will have information available in advance about each performance venue, and our booking information always includes accessibility info.
Standing and Queuing

We will ask you to take a seat and will serve you at your seat.
We add chairs around the venue foyer (or somewhere similar outside the performance space) so you can sit down and wait before the hall opens.
If there is no other external seating available at our concert venue, you will be able to sit in on the soundcheck if you can’t stand waiting, starting from within an hour of the concert’s start time. This Early Seating option is available for cardholders with this icon.
Accessibility information will be available on our website to provide you with details on our process to assist with your arrival.
Level Access

Reach out in advance to let us know you are coming so you have a smooth arrival.
Accessibility information will be provided in advance to communicate wheelchair options at the venue.

A specific seating option can be provided closer to the entry/exit, and we will inform any venue staff that you may need assistance in an emergency.
If you will need help during an evacuation, please identify yourself to the staff at the venue and inform us, and we will share this with venue staff.
We can identify a nearby parking spot or loading zone by the venue for drop-off. Please get in touch in advance to ensure a smooth arrival. As part of our pre-concert information, we will inform you if the venue has wheelchairs available onsite.
Urgent Toilet Access

If you let us know your needs in advance, we can book you the closest seat to the toilet.
If you present this icon to us, we will ensure you have priority for the next available toilet.
The pre-concert Health & Safety spoken intro at our venues will indicate where toilets are located and their accessibility.
Our venue staff can escort you to the toilet upon arrival so you know in advance where it is and how to get to it.
Concert length and any intervals will be indicated in our pre-concert information.
Disability Assist Dogs

We comply with NZ law regarding Disability Assistance Dogs. Our staff can offer water for your dog and direct you to the nearest place for the dog to relieve itself.
We would like to know in advance if you are bringing a dog so we can inform our performers ahead of time.
Some of our kapa haka, choreography, and music may be loud and intense – we're just letting you know.
We may guide you to the best seating option for you and your companion dog.
Essential Companions

For cardholders with this icon we are happy to offer a complimentary companion ticket. In order to book this please give us a call or email us at the time of your ticket booking.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

Through training, our staff are well-informed about adapting our communication and assisting individuals who are blind or have low vision. We can help you to a seat and guide you to the toilet if needed.
We provide online concert programmes, which you may like to use to increase the text size on your own device.
We can discuss your seating preference, e.g., at the front. If you contact us in advance, we can reserve a seat for you.
We will ask you: "Do you need a staff member to help you get to your seat?"
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

Some of our kapa haka, choreography, and music may be loud and intense – we're just letting you know.
Through the training that our staff have done with the Hāpai Access Card, we are aware of how we can modify our communication with you. This includes making sure you can see our face when speaking, speaking clearly, using pen and paper, and being patient.
We can support you in sitting at the best available seat for you or help you reserve a particular one in advance.
Some of our venues may support audience members with hearing aids by offering Bluetooth sound connections or a hearing loop.
Hidden Disabilities

Through our staff training, we are generally aware of hidden disabilities. Please speak to us about how we can assist in making your time with us extraordinary.
If you let us know in advance, we can work with you to create a customer journey that meets your needs smoothly. For example, we may be able to provide a quiet space or a seat at the back on your own.
We include a warning if there are any strobe lighting effects in our show.
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