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Fully Certified
Let The Good Times Roll Ltd
General Information
027 545 0711
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
8:30am - 5pm Monday - Friday (weekends upon request)
Let the Good Times Roll offers driving and companion services, supporting all people,
including those with disabilities or injuries. Bookings recommended. Happy to meet before going out and introduce myself.
Notes for Cardholders
10% discount on hourly rate for Hāpai Access Cardholders
Standing and Queuing

At Let the Good Times Roll, we have a wheelchair available upon request to assist those who may find walking difficult. We are also happy to accommodate walkers. Additionally, we provide an adjustable step to help with getting in and out of the vehicle, particularly when stepping down from curbs. A Grab Handle is available to assist with entering and exiting the vehicle.
The vehicle's passenger seat can be lowered for easier access and raised for a better view out of the window. A stool is always available in the car to provide a place to rest while standing or waiting in queues for extended periods, or whenever a rest is needed.
Level Access

A Parking Permit is available for use when traveling, making access to destinations easier. A wheelchair is also available at no extra cost, provided that transferring from the wheelchair to the vehicle is possible. An adjustable non-slip step is provided to assist where needed.

An Accessible Parking Permit is displayed in the vehicle, allowing for easier transitions to and from the destination, often with access to closer parking zones. These locations are identified before travel to ensure ease of access.
A wheelchair is available for anyone who may find it helpful, making it easier to manage distances to the destination and conserving energy for the experience ahead. The wheelchair must be requested when booking.
Urgent Toilet Access

We can assist you in finding the nearest toilet facilities, including accessible options, and will note their locations in advance. If needed, we can also fetch a toilet key for your convenience.
Disability Assist Dogs

Disability Assist dogs are always welcome and can travel in the vehicle at the client's feet, as there is plenty of room. Water will also be available.
We advocate for Disability Assist dogs when entering venues or destinations to ensure a seamless entry.
Essential Companions

An Essential Companion is always welcome to join us at Let the Good Times Roll, and there is absolutely no extra cost.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

Where possible, we will provide clear verbal explanations to help the cardholder understand any necessary information.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

We utilize pen and paper or a cell phone to assist in providing visual information.
Hidden Disabilities

We identify quiet spaces and tactile experiences to allow for sufficient time and patience in processing information. We also inquire about ways to enhance the experience and make it as enjoyable as possible.
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