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Fully Certified
Stoneycrop Garden
General Information
8B Barnsley Crescent, West Melton 7618, Canterbury
027 670 8114
Opening Times - Check before visiting as might change
Please phone 027 670 8114 to arrange your visit.
Our property, Stoneycrop, is a 3600m2 garden featuring rhododendrons, deciduous azaleas, camellias, cornus, maples, magnolias, viburnums, roses underplanted with hostas, paeonies, irises, geraniums, lilies, dahlias, asters and a wide variety of perennials. The garden has been created since 2014 to provide year round interest from the first English snowdrops (Galanthus) in July through to the dahlias, asters and other perennials flowering until the first frosts in May. Other features include raised vegetable garden, alpine rockery, obelisks, garden sculpture, rill and fountain courtyard.
Notes for Cardholders
Please phone to arrange visit.
50% discount for Hāpai Access Cardholders and Essential Companions on visits.
There are two entrances to the Garden - the best entrance for Hāpai Access Cardholders is through 8B Barnsley Crescent.
Standing and Queuing

Because we only take on small bookings you won’t encounter a situation where queueing will be required.
Level Access

The entire property is wheelchair accessible, the only part that could cause some trouble is the lawn but many people in wheelchairs will still be ok, the lawn is not necessary to cross and there are other ways around the property.

It is less than 50 metres from the furthest point you have to walk, which only happens if you are being dropped off by a bus. In most situations you can drive right up to the property. If someone can’t walk the distance from the bus, we can drive down and pick them up and bring them up the driveway ourselves.
Urgent Toilet Access

We have an accessible toilet available. As we tend to only have small groups there shouldn’t be too much of an issue, but if it is being used and you need one we are happy for you to use the toilet inside the house.
Disability Assist Dogs

Certified assistance dogs are more than welcome!
Essential Companions

Essential companions are always welcome! We offer a 50% discount for essential companions, along with a 50% discount for the cardholder.
Difficulty Accessing Visual Information

We are very prepared to assist you with any visual information you need.
Difficulty Accessing Audible Information

We are more than happy with assisting people who have difficulty accessing audible information using visual instructions instead.
Hidden Disabilities

We will do our best to help you if you have other barriers, please talk to us when you arrive, or when you book if you like, and we will be happy to help!
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